Tuesday, May 02, 2006


atlanta was an absolute blast. except the losing part. no nothing about that. supposedly this happens to delphi elite a lot, but it doesnt make it feel any better. good things did come out of it though, better plans for the years to come, very cool people that we met, possibly the most comfortable hotel i've stayed in and a renewed sense of determination about robotics. its a pity that we didn't accomplish more as a student. i'm always going to regret not having had the chance to walk onto einstein as an operator or driver, but i can take pride in the fact that someday we will make it so that the FLL people that I mentored will have that chance.

work seems boring, i swear my mom did the exact same thing that i am doing now before she retired. in fact, she arguably retired because of that same job. haha.

also it took nearly 24 hours to get back because the bus was shite and a westlane kid was panicking alot. thats one thing we have, hilarious kids. not weird in a creepy way, but weird in a hilarious way.

big plans for the summer anyone? i got rejected from the china trip so i may be considering going to taiwan? im not sure. but hey. dragonboat's starting soon. i still need more rest though.