what a tipsy turvy kind of day. econ midterm back, 88 with the curve. no idea how ridiculously happy i am to have gotten that mark. chinese was eh, but hopefully something else in the 70s.
a thought occurs to me, i look to this as an outlet, but whatever i do is under the realization that somehow somewhere it will be scrutinized, by people i know or dont know, by people i care or dont care about. but that in itself is just kind of like life. so its kind of like the idea that whatever you type out will be measured and with that knowledge, you change what you will type out to fit that. kind of like uncertainty principle but much less empirical. it seems kind of random to talk about, but that's what ended up happening.
spent a damn long time in doug's room tonight, like 5-6 hours, with adam, jenn, kathy and the like. founders isnt so bad with a single room, and not even that bad with a double. im not going to miss any of it, but looking back its really not been that bad, its almost everything i would have wanted out of university, without it being totally unrealistic.
its actually kind of funny, thinking in the back of my head that it could have been a reason, that every example as a kid shows that it would be a reason, but that i wouldnt be one to be thought of in that sense. yet it does seem to make more sense. now its just about what it'll be to see. theres not a time to rest or a reason to.

also, bahrain 2006 in like..2 weeks. damn son.
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