So yeah, Rochester was a ton of fun. It does feel very odd not to be doing the same kind of goof-ing off that I did as a student on trips like these. There is goof-ing off mind you, but not the same kind, not with the same kind of penalties either. Ours would be much worse.
There's a lot that remains to be done with the team. It feels quite weird. While on the team I dabbled in a bit of everything, working on the robot in a limited way, doing chairmans, a lot of PR especially at competitions, not so much scouting or strategy, but this time around it was different. I cant call myself a jack of all trades too much, but eventually thats what I would like to become. Someone that can be held up that way, but there's a lot more work to be done on my part. Right now the best thing that I do is probably talking up the team, to other teams, judges, people etc. Although I should be leaving that to the students for a true experience. But we'll see. I hope to see many more matches at Waterloo, with more chances for accurate scouting this time, but there will always be gut feelings about robots.
(I was also the mascot for a day. Its such a great mascot but you cant see out of it, at least they didnt figure out how to until after Goldie, Levon and Kevin had a turn. They were all much better =P)

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